The words of 9/11 FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds:
"Even from people from whom I've been receiving support, so many times you run across people who say, "Yeah, it's terrible. I understand. And it's very courageous what you are doing." But you know how this thing is. It's a boat you can't rock. And that is what is allowing these people to take everything this far. We need to stop saying we can't rock this boat when it needs to be rocked. Listen, we pay for this boat. We elect this boat. It's our money that maintains this boat. And we are the ultimate boss here. If this boat or some section of it needs rocking, you bet we have the right and we have the power to do it. And we have the power to demand it. Otherwise we are making ourselves powerless."
Read the entire interview in The Baltimore Chronicle
I am not a fan of Internet conspiracy host Alex Jones, who has a strong tendancy to connect dots that do not exist and to state items as fact that he has obviously not throughly researched. Nevertheless, Jone's put together a Symposium of excellent 9/11 scholars that brings out some of the important FACTS of the incidents surrounding 9/11.
This video should probably be first on the page, because of its importance. But, frankly, it is not as attention grabbing. For those who are really interested in finding the truth and focusing on some major points, this is a must.
See also "One Nation Under Siege" on the Home page. It is not included here because the scope of this film is broader, but it has some very exceptional coverage of 911 and its implications.